Thursday, August 13, 2009



Note: Sometimes I will add my own custom dates to these entries to identify when I wanted to post them. If the date in the text does not match the date on the blog, then I was probably having too much fun that day to go to a computer and write about it. This should theoretically mean they are more interesting.

The most interesting thing to happen this day could have occurred at any time, and was not at all related to travel. I was caught under the harmful effect second-hand pepper spray. A total bro at the Fedex store was messing with his girlfriend's pepper spray not realizing what it was, and then managed to set it off and caused everyone in the store to fits of coughing and watery eyes. Even though he held the door open, it did not dissipate for over 5 minutes, and everyone looked as though they'd just become victims of chemical warfare.

After leaving there I went to the airport and departed at 4:30pm for Oslo via Iceland on Icelandair. The flight was very safe because the Icelandic Police and Fire & Rescue sports teams were just returning from a competition up in BC. Anyone who tried anything would immediately feel a knee thrust into any painful place it could go. We flew over Canada and Greenland to get to iceland. Despite the cloud cover, I can tell you that Greenland is incredibly beautiful (if you love glacier-coated peaks), but also one of the most forbidding places I have ever seen. Seeing it covered in snow in the early morning was a little eerie.

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